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Google Minesweeper

Play Google Minesweeper to decode a playing board full of bombs. Your mission is to avoid dangerous bombs and find the hidden numbers under the green squares.

The Green Playing Board

This Google Minesweeper game was designed by Google, so it has typical Google styles. One of the most prominent features is the green color. Google designs often have green for items, characters, or backgrounds. In puzzle games, green is applied to the playing board. All items on the game screen are designed in green.

Of course, there are other colors as well but they are insignificant.

Gameplay Of Google Minesweeper

The gameplay of this new game is similar to that of the classic minesweeper. Let's remember this traditional playing way.

Traditional Minesweeper Gameplay

The Google Minesweeper game offers players a playing board with hidden squares. Your task is to click on these squares and discover the secret behind them. You will be safe if those squares are numbers or empty squares. On the contrary, if you discover bombs, this Google Minesweeper game will end immediately.

Google Minesweeper Flags

The Google version gives players 40 flags. You can use these flags as checkpoints. You can mark any square and you don't need to open those squares. With these flags, you can skip 40 dangerous squares. Usually, players often place the flag in the position of the bombs. If you place all 40 flags correctly, you beat Google Minesweeper.

Another puzzle game: Perfect Slice.