
Play Daily Dadish to control your Grandadish to conquer every adventure. Overcome challenges with dangerous obstacles, strong opponents, and complex terrain.

How to Control Daily Dadish

To conquer the adventures, you need to control the Grandadish character through the control keys. In Daily Dadish, the used keys are the spacebar, left arrow, and right arrow. The spacebar allows you to jump while the left and right arrow keys allow you to move side to side.

Besides, you can also use AD keys to replace the left and right arrow keys.

Adventures Of Grandadish

The Grandadish character begins his adventure in Daily Dadish. Let's accompany this character.

Goal Of This Adventure

In Daily Dadish, your goal is to move to your destination and find Daddy. This Grandadish character has the same goal on all maps. However, the obstacles are all different and you always have to face countless dangers. Always be ready to defeat these obstacles and win.

Challenges Of Daily Dadish

This adventure game brings many challenges from obstacles, opponents, and terrain. Grandadish's adventure is more challenging than the fruit adventure in Perfect Peel.

First, there are many deadly obstacles that kill the Grandadish character instantly. You need to avoid these obstacles based on your jumping ability. Second, opponents can destroy you and you also need to jump over these characters. Finally, don't forget to grasp the terrain of Daily Dadish to navigate safely.